Important announcements + contact info
General Info

Important Registrations and Deadlines

Additional Orders – March 24

Additional orders can include extra electricity, running water at the booth, and/or freezer space.
Final order deadline: March 24.
Submit additional orders using [this form].

Competitions – March 24

The last day to register for competitions (filter coffee, espresso, tea, kombucha, ice cream, and chocolate) is March 24.
Register for competitions using [this form].

Competition Product Delivery – March 31

The delivery of competition products applies to the following categories: filter coffee, decaf coffee, chocolate, tea, and kombucha.
Final delivery date: March 31.
Products must be delivered to the following address:
Kaapelitehtaan Konttori, Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki.
Important: Mark the package with the event name (Helsinki Coffee Festival / Ice Cream & Chocolate Carnival).

Booth Presentation – April 7

Submit booth details no later than April 7:

  • A brief company introduction
  • A description of the booth’s offerings (what visitors can taste, purchase, and experience)
    Submit the booth presentation using [this form].

Staff Accreditation – April 7

To ensure smooth entry during the event, please provide the full names (first and last name) of all booth staff by April 7.
Accredit staff using [this form].

Notification of Temporary Food Sales and Sampling

Companies offering or sampling food products must submit a notification of temporary food sales (including sampling). This is not required for tea and coffee sales only.
Important: The form must be submitted at least four (4) business days before the event.
Instructions for submitting the notification can be found [here].

Summary of Important Deadlines

  • Additional Orders: Final order deadline March 24. Submit orders using [this form].
  • Competitions: Registration deadline March 24. Register using [this link].
  • Competition Product Delivery: Deliver competition products by March 31 to Kaapelitehtaan Konttori, Kaapeliaukio 3, 00180 Helsinki.
  • Booth Presentation: Submit company and booth details by April 7 using [this form].
  • Staff Accreditation: Register all booth staff by April 7 using [this form].
  • Notification of Temporary Food Sales and Sampling: Complete the form at least four (4) business days before the event if offering or sampling food (exception: tea and coffee). Instructions can be found [here].

Contact Information

Matti Laukko – Production | +358 50 5516 000

Sini Jaatinen – Partnerships | +358 50 4922 588

Tommi Harju – Production, Booths | +358 40 0274 234

Maija Kestilä – Media Relations, Marketing & Communications | +358 40 0266 808

Sara Aarros – Competitions, Volunteers | +358 45 265 2333 lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus lisätietonapin tunnus
General Info



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